Our family is being thrifty this year when it comes to Halloween Costumes. For my daughter, I found a sparkly dress that she can't wear much longer. My daughter said she wanted to wear it and be a princess. The dress will be a little short on her so I suggested she be a fairy princess. She loved that idea. She has a wand and a crown so we are borrowing wings and voila! Done. Easy peasy.
For my son, he is being a not-so-happy-camper. We will have him wear his scout uniform or some other camping-like outfit. He will have a fishing pole and we will make him look like he got mauled by a bear. Also easy peasy.
Now for mine and my husband's costumes, I will not give them away but less than $10 will be spent on them because we have most items already for them. If you want details, ask me after Halloween and I will post pics.
For some GREAT costume ideas go here>>> http://www.costumeideazone.com/
As I have said before, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Happy Halloween time!!!
okay lady, you are in charge of figuring out a costume for me in my sling.