Thursday, January 5, 2012

Making Progress...

I have been a machine the last 2 weeks! Watch out!

I didn't keep track of the exercises I did last week, but I did exercise 6 out of 7 days.

With the new year, I don't typically make resolutions, but I am focusing on being as healthy and fit as humanly possible going forward. To aid me in doing this, I got a composition notebook and made a fitness plan for each day of the week as well as a food chart. 1 page=1 day. On each page I note the day/date and keep the food with calories, protein, fat, and fiber. I also write down my exercises and glasses of water. Each Friday I weigh in. I also use app on my Blackberry to help me keep track when I can't write in my notebook.

Starting with Saturday (NYE) I ran 4.08 miles in 40 minutes. I took NYD and the next day off from exercise. Starting with Tuesday I did 780 stairs, 30 push-ups, and 3-1 minute wall sits at lunch. In the evening I did pull-ups, which I can only do a maximum of 3. I am working on increasing that number.  On Wednesday I did 17 minutes of elliptical with arms burning 193 calories. At lunch I did 30 push-ups, pull-ups, and 3-1 minute wall-sits as well as a short run. I had a 3-hour derby practice in the evening as well.  Today I ran for 18 minutes in the morning and did the Deck O Cards workout using planks, push-ups, V-sits, and mountain climbers.

I also stuck quotes to motivate me all over the front cover and throughout the pages of the notebook. I have a partner, my derby wife, working right along with me everyday to encourage each other in our dedication to this healthier and more fit lifestyle. We also wanna kick some ass this season and we know from experience that it takes a lot of hard work to be at your best performance level.

I encourage anyone to follow in my footsteps and would love to share my notebook with anyone who wants to make one of their own.

Happy health! And Happy New Year too!

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