Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beyond My Wildest Imagination

Our season opener sold out to 3200 fans at our new bout facility!!  I never in a million years would have thought this would happen.  Previous to this, our record for season opener was just over 1100 people.  We almost tripled that number and turned 800 more people away.

Many people were responsible for making this night successful and I send a huge thank you to all of them.

This monumental event has been an inspiration for me to work harder, skate harder, and believe in myself and my teammates at all times no matter what stands in our way. 

I have never stuck with anything in my life as long as I have stuck with derby (besides family that is).  I am very proud that I have stuck with it.  I am also very proud of the woman derby has helped me become.  It has made me a better wife, mother and friend.  I hope my kids understand what it means to me to finish what I have started and that they will admire me for it one day, rather than resent the time it takes away from them.  They sacrifice much for me to do this, but I know this lesson of life will teach them that success takes perseverance, hard work, sacrifice and dedication.  When they learn this lesson, I think they will fully understand why I do this, and hopefully I will be an inspiration to them instead of just their mom.

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